Thursday, September 18, 2008

"I get it!"

These are a teacher's favorite words, and I seem to be hearing so much of them lately. Today, during a math class where the 5th graders were working with prime factorization (a particularly difficult concept), their excitement stopped me dead in my tracks. I was leaning over one student, helping him talk through a problem, when from one corner of the room I heard, "I get it!" Followed quickly by a "Me too!" an "Oh!" and a "It makes sense now!" I closed my eyes for a brief moment and allowed myself to be serenaded by the symphony of victorious voices. All else in my life may seem unstable, and I have certainly had a lot of not-liking-myself days lately, but in that moment, I was pure bliss. What a great job.


Sarah Mae said...

You must be doing a great teaching job - way to go! (That sounds all teacher like, doesn't it?!) :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah Mae. I KNOW you are a great teacher and this helps proves it. I'm sure your class "get's it" in every subject you teach. These are the stories I love to hear. And to think that Math was YOUR worst subject in school... now YOU "get it" well enough to pass your own learning on to your students in a way that they can understand. It sure helps that self-esteem, huh? Great job, honey. Teaching is one of your gifts. Keep up the great work. Love ya LOTS, Mom