Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I un-quit.

Just what it says. More later. This life stuff is truly invigorating and exhausting sometimes.


1niceirishguy said...

I have to un-quit my job everyday. :0) I guess it's time for your next clue. I also love Mexican food. Did you figure me out? guess not.:0)


"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Sigh. No. It's the Irish thing that's throwing me off. Are you like, IRISH Irish, or like an American-European mutt with some strong Irish cultural influences in your ethnic background? I think I should be able to ask yes or no questions. I feel so stupid!

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Brian McLaughlin?

1niceirishguy said...

Nope! not that guy. I'm American born and raised. My last name is very Irish. It begins with Mc. I will answer any question you ask.

P.S. I find this to be so much fun.

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Matt McKinney!!!!!!!!!

1niceirishguy said...

nope! come on don't you want to ask me some in depth question?

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Oh I was sure I had it this time! Ok,first I need to know, did I meet you on my trip, or did I know you before Europe? Then, if you'll permit me two questions, if I knew you before Europe, do I know you from the DC area or PA?

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Oh wait, I would guess Pete McNeal - the band guy from the airport in Paris, but I though you lived in LA, & one of your clues was that you live within 6 hours of me. . . did you mean 6 hours flying?

p.s. I'm glad you're enjoying this, because it's driving me mad!

1niceirishguy said...

Nope not that guy. I have nothing to do with your europe trip other then reading your blog. What I meant is that i'm less then 6 hours by driving. Have a great day Mel.


"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Damn. Ok next questions:
Have I ever met you in person?
Have we ever lived in the same town/city?
Are you under 30?

1niceirishguy said...

Have you ever met me in person? If you hadn't how would I know so much about you? Like your brother was in the air force. When he lived in AZ you loved eating at the mexican food places. You went to penn st and you got home school. Yes!we have lived in the same town. We just haven't lived in the same town at the same time. I'm i under 30? I think thats a little personal don't you?j/k yes! i'm over 30. Mel your going to have to figure this out soon. My time on the east coast is coming to an end. Like you I will have to go back to my real life. That should help you out.

1niceirishguy said...

Hey I just wanted to say that your story about a black man loose was an amazing story. More people should be open minded about a lot of thing. I would have to say my time on the east coast has been filled with abunch of racist ^%$#@*&^! anyways, have a nice evening.

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Ok those clues confused me more than they helped. Are you one of my brother's friends? What a random thing for me to have talked to you about - my brother being in the air force and eating mexican food in arizona! And the racism comment really, trully confuses the bejeepers out of me! That means that either you were experiencing racism for being Irish (which I highly doubt), or that you are part Irish and part something else like African-American or Hispanic or Asian or something. WTF?! I kind of want to give up. I'm sorry! Who are you??

1niceirishguy said...

ok! I'll stop messing with. You don't know me. My name is Mike. Next time you have a chance ask your dad about Mike from A.Z. sorry, I was just having some fun with you. Your dad talks about you all the time and truned me on to your blog. He is a really nice guy. I wish you the best of luck in life. Take care

"Uncle" Travelling Mel said...

Hmmm. That's kinda weird, Mike.

1niceirishguy said...

Hey thanks.lol