Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here I am in the world of blogs

Well let me add "started a blog" to the list of trendy, 20-something things to do this year, along with:
- travel to Europe to "find myself"
- get divorced
- cease talking to anyone on the phone in the name of texting till my fingers bleed
- turn down perfectly good "going out" offers to have a secret "Sex in the City" marathon with my couch
- pretend to be a songwriter (Well, I am, but I only write songs about relationships, so I'm starting to sound like a slightly less violent Alanis Morissette, and really - let's be honest - every hippie chick worth her weight in patchouli goes through a photography phase, a poetry phase, and a songwriting phase. I've done the first two, so I guess it's ok to give in to this self-indulgent singer/songwriter thing, even if I do only know 3 chords on the guitar and I like the way it looks on my lap more than I actually have the patience to learn how to play.)
- start a blog

But really, this blog is dedicated to Uncle Travelling Matt from Fraggle Rock, who always travelled the world and sent informative, educational postcards back to his nephew, Gobo. I leave for my 6-week backpacking trip through Europe in 5 days, and this will be my connection to my peeps back home, because I know that y'all can't live without me for that long.

So here it is, for your reading pleasure. . . (drumroll) . . . my blog.


Bumpy said...

We are so proud of Melanie leavingdrama land to explore the outer reaches of northern kinda up there western Europe.Can you find out how to say "Down in Fragile Rock" kinda bitte? This is my 1st official time doing the whole bloggin thing yeah for me once. go run amuck an do not go a swinging on to many of those wine valley vine thingies.

God bless and God save the queen,

P.S. When you find 1 of those rich, well spoken for, romantic, well Europen gent types, that will tell me I am not fat.. shippem over yonder! Be safe and go honkin crazy!


Sandy Cobb said...

You GO girl! You know you're living one of my dreams, so you have double the fun and adventure for me. My prayers will follow you all the way.
Lots of love and pride,

Laurie said...

"Uncle traveling Mel" I love that!!! Anyway, I am really proud of you for conquering your fears to do this. I would not have the nerve. I can't wait to read all your blogs! Have fun and stay safe---I had to get that in there. Luv ya,

P.S. My prayers are with you!